Hotels, guest houses, manors in Riga and Latvia


Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel (0)


Radisson Blu Ridzene HotelThe Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel invites you into a pleasant atmosphere combining refinement and tradition and offering a balance between the classic and modern. This charming hotel with light-filled, elegantly decorated rooms knows how to preserve its soul and will seduce you with its intimate atmosphere and hospitality.  More...

Hotel Grand Palace (0)


Hotel Grand PalaceThe Grand Palace Hotel is located in Old Riga on the cobblestone pavement, which leads from the Dome Square to the Presidential Palace. It is surrounded by ancient monuments, one step far from major banks, the building of exchange and Parliament (Saeima). More...

Hotel Royal Square Hotel & Suites (0)


Royal Square Hotel & SuitesThe "Royal Square Hotel & Suites" is a new luxury business hotel witch offers five star service in the best location - it's all there right in the heart of the most historical area of Riga. The hotel offers 30 rooms, including Сlassic, Executive, Suites and Presidental Suite.  More...

Royal Casino SPA & Hotel Resort (1)


Royal Casino SPA & Hotel ResortWelcome to a unique and 5 star luxury hotel Royal Casino SPA & Hotel Resort created specially for particular guests of Riga who treasure luxury, individual and high level quality service. More...

Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel, Riga (0)


Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel, Riga Welcome to Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel, Riga, which is conveniently located on the bank of the Daugava River with a spectacular view of Old Riga close to the business, shopping, governmental, and entertainment areas of the city. The hotel is just 15 minutes away from Riga International Airport.  More...

Albert hotel (3)


Albert ­HotelAlbert ­Hotel ­is ­a ­modern 11-sto­rey ­hotel, loca­ted ­in ­a ­quiet cen­tre ­of ­Riga – an exclu­si­ve ­zone ­of ­Art Nou­ve­au archi­tec­tu­re ­and ­close ­to ­the fam­ous ­and beau­ti­ful Alber­ta Stre­et. ­Albert ­Hotel ­is situ­a­ted ­in ­the ­heart ­of ­Riga’s Com­mer­cial cen­ter ­within ­easy wal­king distan­ce ­to near­by embas­si­es, headquar­ters ­of ­major ­banks, com­pa­ni­es, ­state mini­stri­es, ­major exhi­bit­ion cen­ters, ­sport ­halls ­as ­well ­as ­Old Ttown. More...

Rixwell Gertrude Hotel (0)


Rixwell Gertrude HotelThe 4* star Rixwell Gertrude Hotel is located in the center of Riga in the historical Art Nouveau style building. The hotel is located a few steps away from the main historical sights of Riga, the Old city and the Central station.  More...

Rixwell Old Riga Palace Hotel (0)


Rixwell Old Riga Palace HotelRixwell Old Riga Palace Hotel is located in the historical center of Riga – Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and in a short walk to everything the city has to offer and at the same time is hidden from City Center hustle and bustle in the quiet street. More...

Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija (0)


Radisson Blu Hotel LatvijaOffering the most impressive views over the Old Town and central Riga, Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija is famous for its lively atmosphere and wealth of entertainment options including restaurants, bars, casino, nightclub, the trendy and stylish Skyline bar with its fabulous city view from 26th floor and the brand new and conceptually unique ESPA Rīga spa facilities.  More...

Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel  (0)


Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel Voted the “Best New Hotel 2008” by the Latvian Tourist Authority, the Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel is a fashionable designer hotel in the heart of the city. The beautiful façade and unique inner courtyard of the hotel combine glass, steel and textured wood panels to form a dynamic and attractive structure.  More...

Hotel Europa Royale Riga  (0)


Hotel Europa Royale Riga Euro­pa Roy­a­le ­Riga ­hotel ­is loca­ted ­in ­the ­heart ­of ­Riga, ­in ­the luxu­rio­us 19­th cen­tu­ry buil­ding over­lo­oking ­a ­quiet, pic­tu­resque Ver­man’s ­Park. ­The Ben­ja­min ­House ­where ­the ­hotel ­is loca­ted ­is ­a ­well-known cul­tu­ral monu­ment ­which ­was ­fully res­to­red ­and recon­struc­ted ­in ­the ­same cha­rac­ter. More...