Albert hotel


Albert hotel

 Albert hotel

on-line reservation

Albert ­Hotel ­is ­a ­modern 11-sto­rey ­hotel, loca­ted ­in ­a ­quiet cen­tre ­of ­Riga - an exclu­si­ve ­zone ­of ­Art Nou­ve­au archi­tec­tu­re ­and ­close ­to ­the fam­ous ­and beau­ti­ful Alber­ta Stre­et. ­Albert ­Hotel ­is situ­a­ted ­in ­the ­heart ­of ­Riga's Com­mer­cial cen­ter ­within ­easy wal­king distan­ce ­to near­by embas­si­es, headquar­ters ­of ­major ­banks, com­pa­ni­es, ­state mini­stri­es, ­major exhi­bit­ion cen­ters, ­sport ­halls ­as ­well ­as ­Old Ttown.

Lifes­ty­le ­and ­ideas ­of ­Albert Ein­stein, sci­en­tist ­and cos­mo­po­li­te, ­has inspi­red ­us ­to cre­a­te inte­res­ting ­and cre­a­ti­ve des­ign ­of ­the ­hotel. 246 ­modern ­and ­cozy ­rooms comfortably fur­nished ­with Air-con­dit­io­ning ­system, ­cable ­TV, ­phone, ­mini-bar ­and ­free ­Access ­to ­Wi-Fi Inter­net. The hotel ­offers ­three ­event ­rooms ­for 100, 35 ­and 20 per­sons. Mul­ti­fun­ctio­nal ­rooms ­are situ­a­ted ­on ­the ­upper ­floor ­of ­the ­hotel ­and ­all ­are com­ple­te ­with high-qua­li­ty audio-vi­deo equip­ment. ­

Modern, ­cozy, libra­ry ­style res­tau­rant "Best­sel­lers" ­with 130-­place, which is ­on ­the ­first ­floor ­of ­Albert ­Hotel ­offers inter­na­tio­nal cui­si­ne. ­On ­the 11­th ­floor ­you ­will ­find the coc­kta­il ­bar "­Star Loun­ge" ­with ­a sum­mer ter­ra­ce ­and ama­zing ­view ­of ­Riga's ­city cen­ter.

Logo Albert hotel
Address:33 Dzirnavu Str., Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
Phone:+371 67 331717
Site:home page