Hotels in Jurmala


Hotel Villa Joma (0)


Hotel Villa JomaThe pride of Villa Joma hotel is an almost 100 years old and entirely renovated wooden house, which served as a small hotel in the very heart of Jurmala - on the main promenade, two minutes walk from the beach and Dzintari concert hall. Hotel’s façade and its interior present wooden architecture that is characteristic only of this town and allows to enjoy unforgettable atmosphere enclosed by historical buildings and the unique of Jurmala. More...

Sanatorium Belorusija (0)


Sanatorium BelorusijaUnique opportunity of restoration and strengthening of health, on the largest resort of Baltic long since known for the curative factors - a soft climate, the sea, curative air, medical dirties and mineral waters. More...

Health-Resort Rehabilitation centre Jaunķemeri (1)

Health-Resort Rehabilitation centre JaunķemeriRes­ort Reha­bi­li­ta­tion cen­ter ­is loca­ted ­in Jur­ma­la, 35 ­km ­away ­from ­Riga, ­in ­the pinewo­od ­at ­the ­dune ­zone ­of ­the ­Riga ­Gulf, sur­roun­ded ­by ­three ­lakes. ­RRC "Jaunķemeri" ­is a unique, ­because ­there are 3 cura­ti­ve fac­tors-bal­ne­o­lo­gic the­ra­py, ­mud tre­at­ment ­and cli­ma­tothe­ra­py ­are com­bi­ned. More...

Complex of private houses NAIZA (0)

Complex of private houses NAIZAComplex of private houses "NAIZA" The private houses complex "NAIZA" is located in the very heart of the resort town Jurmala in Majori, only 10 minutes far from the sea; on a Lielupa’s riverside.  More...