Health-Resort Rehabilitation centre Jaunķemeri


Health-Resort Rehabilitation centre Jaunķemeri

Health-Resort Rehabilitation centre Jaunkemeri

Res­ort Reha­bi­li­ta­tion cen­ter ­is loca­ted ­in Jur­ma­la, 35 ­km ­away ­from ­Riga, ­in ­the pinewo­od ­at ­the ­dune ­zone ­of ­the ­Riga ­Gulf, sur­roun­ded ­by ­three ­lakes. ­RRC "Jaunķemeri" ­is a unique, ­because ­there are 3 cura­ti­ve fac­tors-bal­ne­o­lo­gic the­ra­py, ­mud tre­at­ment ­and cli­ma­tothe­ra­py ­are com­bi­ned.

Tre­at­ment: Dis­po­ses ­of ­modern ­methods ­of diag­no­stics ­and indi­vi­du­al pro­grams ­of tre­at­ment: sul­fu­ra­ted ­and bro­mi­de ­baths, ­mud appli­ca­tions, four-cham­ber ­and whir­lpo­ol ­baths, underwa­ter trac­tion, naphthalan - sulfurated hydrogen baths, hydro­mas­sa­ge ­pool, mag­ne­tothe­ra­py, las­erthe­ra­py, ultra­so­nic ­and ­other pro­ce­du­res ­of phys­iothe­ra­py, fun­ctio­nal diag­no­stics the­ra­peu­tic exer­cis­es, mas­sa­ge, mecha­nothe­ra­py, ergothe­ra­py, inha­la­tions, sto­ma­to­lo­gy ­and prostho­don­tics, ridethe­ra­py (cura­ti­ve ­horse ­riding) ­and ­other.

Acco­mmo­da­tion: Doub­le, sin­gle ­rooms ­and 2-­room apart­ments ­with ­all faci­lit­ies, ­three ­meals ­a ­day (die­tothe­ra­py). Addit­io­na­lly: ­day paci­ent faci­li­ty ­and out-pa­ti­ent ­care, ­a swim­ming ­pool ­with ­a cas­ca­de, ­a ­sauna, ­a cine­ma ­and a con­cert ­hall, ­a beau­ty par­lor, ­a ­bar, ­cafes, excur­sions. ­A ­new oppor­tu­ni­ty ­to recei­ve ­a ­short exclu­si­ve cura­ti­ve com­plex ­of ­term sul­fu­ra­ted ­or bro­mi­de mine­ral ­bath, ­mud appli­ca­tion, clas­si­cal mas­sa­ge ­in ­a spe­cial, modern-e­guip­ped sec­tion.

Single room from  EUR 46 
Standard double (1person) from  EUR 29 
Double Junior room (1 person) from  EUR 37 
Suite of rooms (1 person) from  EUR 53 

The price includes accommodation , full-board, spa-cure.  

on-line reservation

Logo Health-Resort Rehabilitation centre Jaunķemeri
Address:20 Kolkas Str., Jurmala LV-2012, Latvia
Phone:+371 67733242; +371 67734403
Site:home page