Viesnīca "Kungu ligzda"


Viesnīca "Kungu ligzda"

Hotel Kungu ligzda

I­n Bau­ska, ­near Meme­le ­just open­ed ­a new ­hotel "­Kungu lig­zda". ­There ­is gent­le ­and cud­dly ambi­en­ce ­and ­at ­any ­time ­you ­will ­be wel­co­me. The buil­ding ­of "­Kungu lig­zda" ­is ­not ­set ­newly. ­This ­house ­was ­build at the ­end ­of the 18. cen­tu­ry ­and ­now ­it ­is res­to­red.­ In the ­hotel ­remain ele­ments ­of ­art nou­ve­au, bal­co­ny ­and ­stairs from ­old ­time.­ At ­the ­moment the ­hotel ­offers 10 two - se­a­ted apart­ments. 3 ­of ­them ­are luxu­ry.

Apart­ment ­rent ­begins ­from 7 ­Ls (­per ­each per­son), bre­ak­fast ­and par­king included ­in ­price. Pres­ent­ly the ­hotel pre­pa­res ­for thre­e-star cate­go­ry reci­pi­en­cy. ­There ­are apart ­ments, ­where ­can ­stay ­from ­two ­to ­four per­sons. ­In a luxu­ry apart­ment ­is pos­si­ble ­to ­eat bre­ak­fast ­on a bal­co­ny ­with out­lo­ok ­towards ­the ­river. ­In ­all apart­ments ­are a lit­tle ­kitchen ­with a frid­ge ­and a ­mini - bar. ­In stan­dard apart­ments ­are bathro­oms ­with ­shower ­stalls, ­but ­in luxu­ry apart­ments ­are com­for­tab­le ­baths. A car ­you ­can ­park ­in par­king ­place, ­which ­is loca­ted ­in the ­yard.

The res­tau­rant "­Kungu lig­zda" ­offers ­an oppor­tu­ni­ty ­to ­relish ­tasty ­meals ­and ­pass ­time ­in a roman­tic atmosphe­re ­or ­enjoy ­it ­near the ­river ­in a sum­mer ter­ra­ce. ­In the res­tau­rant ­is pos­si­ble ­to orga­ni­ze celeb­ra­tions, ­birthday par­tys, nup­ti­als ­and banqu­ets. "­Kungu lig­zda" offers ­you ­and ­your fri­ends ­to ­play rus­si­an ­pool ­and ­visit rus­si­an ­bathhouse, fin­nish ­bath ­and swim­ming ­pool, ­which ­is ­of the hotel an indo­ors. ­In a base­ment ­are the beer - cel­lar  ­with ­three ­halls: a hun­ter ­hall, a fisher­man ­hall ­and an ­antique ­hall. ­In the beer - cel­lar is enought ­place ­­for a ­big fri­end com­pa­ny! The con­fe­ren­ce ­hall ­in ­the hotel ­is ­for 70 per­sons.

Bed in hostel type (shower, WC)  EUR 12 
Double room (shower, WC, TV) EUR 35-80 
Luxe apartments (TV, bath, WC mini-bar)  EUR 85-100 
Hall  EUR 22 per hour  

Adrese:41 Rigas Str., Bauska, LV-3901
Telefons:+371 63924000; +371 28686828
WEB:mājas lapa


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