Hotel Roze
The hotel «Roze» offers all necessary services of the European level and at the same time it conserves a unique distinction. There are a lot of different varieties of guests placing: single, 2-room, as well 3-room, 4-room and 5-room suites, which have private entrances and can be used as individual apartments. There are a cable TV, a conditioner, a safe, WC, a shower or bathroom, a hair dryer in all rooms. At your disposal the conference hall (up to 22 persons) with all necessary equipment, a sauna with the rest room and the bar, the beautiful garden of roses with the different areas aimed for your rest, a fountain, a children playground, a garage and a secured with video cameras parking place. There is a premise for bicycle storage.
Address: | 37 Rozu Str., Liepaja, LV 3401 |
Phone: | +371 634 21155 |
Email: | |
Site: | home page |