Hotel Monte Kristo


Hotel Monte Kristo

Hotel Monte Kristo

on-line reservation

The ele­gant ­and ­cozy ­hotel «­Monte Kri­sto» open­ed ­its ­doors ­in ­the ­unique his­to­ric ­part ­of ­Riga - ­Old ­Town. ­You ­will ­find mus­eums, monu­ments ­of archi­tec­tu­re, popu­lar pla­ces ­of lei­su­re ­and rela­xa­tion, ­the lar­gest shop­ping cen­ters, ­banks, ­state insti­tu­tions ­and embas­si­es loca­ted ­in imme­di­a­te pro­xi­mi­ty ­to ­the ­hotel. ­

Within ­a ­few minu­tes ­walk ­there ­are ­Bus ­and ­Railway Sta­tions ­as ­well ­as ­the ­Sea ­Port.Ple­as­ant atmosphe­re ­of com­fort ­and cozi­ness, com­bi­ning fasci­na­tion ­of ­the buil­ding ­of ­the 19­th cen­tu­ry ­with ­the ­modern ­style ­and con­ve­ni­en­ces, ­reigns ­at ­the ­hotel.­ The ­hotel ­is ­an ­ideal ­place ­for indi­vi­du­al ­and fami­ly rela­xa­tion. ­Tourist ­groups ­enjoy dis­counts ­to 20%. Chil­dren ­under 12 ­stay ­free ­when sha­ring ­parent's ­room. ­The ­hotel ­offers 21 ­cozy ­and ­modern ­rooms equip­ped ­with ­cable ­TV, ­telephone, ­the Inter­net, ­minibar, ­hairdryer, ­safe.

As well we have a suite room with a sauna and a jacuzzi. A new restaurant was opened in our hotel recently; for hotel's clients we offer a 10% discount.­ All ­guests ­of ­our ­hotel ­get ­free admit­tan­ce ­to ­the ­Night ­Club «­ROXY» loca­ted ­in ­Old ­Riga.Hos­pi­tab­le atmosphe­re, exclu­si­ve ser­vi­ce, ­highly pro­fes­sio­nal ­and fri­en­dly per­son­nel ­will ­make ­your rela­xa­tion ­at ­the ­Hotel «­Monte Kri­sto» unfor­get­tab­le!

Logo Hotel Monte Kristo
Address:56 Kaleju Str., Riga, LV-1050
Phone:+ 371 67359100; + 371 67359099
Site:home page